Official Program

2025 edition in Laval!

Updated January 10, 2025.

Discover the various talks, fascinating webinars, and lively events taking place throughout HSD week. The activities have been designed to stimulate reflection, promote discussion, and provide useful resources tailored to the issues surrounding perseverance at school.

*** IMPORTANT: Some webinars require prior registration ***

Monday, February 10

9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

For all 

Regional launch of the HSD week

In person: Secondary school de la Croisée

This launch will kick off a series of activities to encourage youth perseverance and success in our region. It's a unique opportunity to get together, exchange ideas and reaffirm our collective commitment to the education of our young people.

Event only in French

Lundi 10 février

10:40 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

For all 

Keven Raphael jase avec ses invités: Rêver et persévérer, un duo gagnant

Virtuel: sur YouTube

Joignez-vous à Kevin Raphael et ses invités pour une discussion inspirante sur l'importance des rêves dans le parcours de vie et la persévérance scolaire.

À travers des témoignages authentiques, ils exploreront comment les aspirations nourrissent la motivation, comment le soutien d’un entourage bienveillant peut faire la différence, et pourquoi aucun rêve n’est inatteignable. Un échange dynamique qui met en lumière la force de croire en soi et d’oser avancer, même lorsque le chemin semble incertain.

Monday, February 10 to Friday, February 14

10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

For youth

Awareness-raising and support activities for students - Hooked on School Tables - Present: Laval libraries   

Laval's nine libraries are mobilizing to support students of all ages during Hooked on School Days. 
Perseverance tables will be set up to offer snacks, promotional items and words of encouragement. A great initiative to motivate and inspire young people throughout this week dedicated to their success!  


Tuesday, February 11

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

For parents and early childhood educators

Conference My child's bilingualism - Virtual: on Zoom

For a child to blossom and achieve his or her full potential, he or she must be exposed to books and reading from an early age. But in which language(s) should children be spoken and read to: their mother tongue or the language of the host community?  Do you want to expose your child to several languages, but are wondering how and when to go about it?  

During this conference, we'll find the answers by looking at the following topics: children's language development, how children learn a second language, your role as a parent and the resources you can use to help.

This conference is brought to you by the Mes langues, mes livres initiative. 

For elected officials

Cocktail at the National Assembly
JPS will be celebrated in style at the National Assembly on February 11, 2025.
In the evening, a cocktail party will bring together a number of MNAs, representatives of regional consultation bodies and national JPS partners.
This event is an opportunity to highlight the decisive role played by each and every one of us in keeping students in school.

Wednesday, February 12

10:00 a.m.

For parents and early childhood educators

Collective movement to awaken reading: Rising tide of reading

Reading is an important determinant of educational success. In addition to entertaining children, telling or reading stories helps them enrich their vocabulary, develop their ability to listen attentively and understand, and stimulate their desire to learn to communicate. Tell us how many children you'll be taking part in the Tidal Wave, and sign up! You'll then be able to give each child a certificate to mark their participation. Books are windows to the world for toddlers: every page they turn enlightens their curiosity, feeds their imagination and builds the foundations of their future.

Raz-de-marée de la lecture is an initiative of Laval's 6 coordinating offices  

Mercredi 12 février

6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

For ages 16 and up

Conference hosted by Kevin Raphael – Present, free admission: Centre Jeunesse, 308 boul. cartier O - Room 1

Come and experience an inspiring, high-energy evening with Kevin Raphael!  In a short, stand-up-style talk, he'll share his unique journey and memorable experiences. An interactive discussion with the audience will follow, ideal for asking questions and leaving with a smile and a dose of motivation!  

Mercredi 12 février

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

For parents of school-age children

Homework Tips Conference – On-sit with registration: Bibliothèque Multiculturelle

Homework is often a challenge, for children and parents alike! Isn't it easy for your child to do homework alone? Would you like to help, but your school days are long gone? Come and discover some tips for increasing your child's level of independence during homework time. It's a way of encouraging your child's commitment to learning, and ensuring a harmonious family time when he or she returns from school.   

Registration available here on Amilia* and free admission on the day depending on room capacity.

* This online registration site for Laval libraries requires you to open an account first.

Thursday, February 13

10 h 30

For everyone

Thursday PerséVERT

We're going green!  

In your communities and on your social networks.

Wear a green garment or accessory (socks, tie, scarf, tuque, lace, glasses, etc.) or decorate your classroom or office in green.

There are no limits to creativity!

Take a photo and share it with #perséVERT2025 and #JPSlaval2025 to help us create a green wave of support on social media.

Jeudi 13 février

10:30 a.m.

For all


‘’La motivation et l’engagement scolaires : constats du terrain, notions de la recherche et pistes d’action’’ *

Virtual: view link

More information to come.

* This webinar is an initiative of Réseau Réussite Montréal (RRM).

Jeudi 13 février2025

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

For stakeholders


‘’Le continuum de services concertés en orthophonie communautaire – une approche multisectorielle gagnante en Montérégie’’ *

Virtual: view link

More information to come.

* This webinar is an initiative of l’Instance Régionale de Concertation en persévérance scolaire et réussite éducative de la Montérégie (IRCM).

Jeudi 13 février

10 h 30

CANCELLED - Reported at a later date.

Conference hosted by Kevin Raphael

Come and meet Kevin Raphael, the man of a thousand talents! The comedian, radio and TV host, podcaster and soccer coach will share his secrets, his favorite reads, and maybe even his tips for juggling all his roles like a pro! 

Registration available on the Amilia platform (link coming soon) and free admission

Friday, February 14

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

For all s

Webinar ''Study-work-life balance (SWLB) and mentoring: levers for educational success'' *

Virtual: view link

More information to come.

* This webinar is an initiative of the Instance Régionale de Concertation en persévérance scolaire et réussite éducative de la Montérégie (IRCM).

Vendredi 14 février 

10:45 a.m.

For students in grades 5 to 1

Rendezvous with Laurent Duvernay-Tardif (LDT) and guests

Virtual: view link

This major event is organized by the Réseau québécois pour la réussite éducative (RQRE) in collaboration with the Laurent Duvernay.

Vendredi 14 février 

6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

For young people aged 16 and over

Réseautage ''Conciliation études-travail'' Présentiel : Centre Lavallois de Ressources Educatives et Culturelles (LREC)

Take part in a dynamic meeting between young people and professionals from various sectors! The aim of this meeting is to discuss winning strategies for successfully balancing work, studies and personal life (family, leisure, etc.). A unique opportunity to share experiences and practical advice to help you navigate this delicate balance. 

Venredi 14 février 2

Sur tirage au sort

Grade 6

Win an interactive activity to experience at your school between February 10 and 14 with Trouve ta ressource!  
This one-period workshop helps young people :
> Recognize their personal strengths.
> Understand how to use these strengths to face new or difficult situations.

It's based on a high school preparation program developed by community players and evaluated by a Université de Montréal researcher, and currently offered free of charge to schools with a socio-economic index of 5 or more.

How can you get involved?
You must register your school for the LDT meeting and its guests before January 27, and a draw will be held to select the schools that will be lucky enough to receive this workshop.
What happens next?
Trouve ta ressource will contact you to set up the activity with your students the week of February 10, 2025.

Sur tirage au sort

Pour les enseignants et leurs élèves de la 3e à la 6e année du primaire

Gagnez une boîte éducative GRAVITATION du Cosmodôme !*

Explorez les sciences de l’espace grâce à une boîte scientifique conçue pour éveiller la curiosité des jeunes!
Chaque boîte, adaptée à un groupe de 30 élèves (8 ans et plus), propose des activités scientifiques variées, individuelles et collectives. 
Pour en savoir plus. 

*Offre réservée aux écoles primaires avec un indice de rang décile entre 8 et 10. Attribution par tirage au sort parmi les écoles inscrites participant aux activités de lancement, selon l’indice IMSE. Les écoles sélectionnées seront contactées directement. Bonne chance !

Disponibles en libre accès

Webinaire des Partenaires pour la réussite éducative en Chaudière-Appalaches (PRÉCA) - Jeunes issus de l’immigration : perceptions de discrimination et aspirations relatives à la carrière

Virtuel: lien de visionnage 

Découvrez un portrait unique des perceptions de discrimination et des aspirations scolaires et professionnelles des jeunes Québécois issus de l’immigration.  

Animé par la professeure Sabrina Dorceus, ce webinaire s’appuie sur les données d’une enquête par questionnaire réalisée en 2022-2023 auprès d’un échantillon de 756 élèves fréquentant des écoles secondaires francophones au Québec. Une occasion d’approfondir votre compréhension des enjeux liés à la diversité et à l’inclusion dans le parcours éducatif et professionnel des jeunes à Laval. 

Webinaire La santé mentale des jeunes : l’affaire de tous

Virtuel: lien de visionnage

Les enjeux de santé mentale qui touchent les adolescents et les jeunes adultes ne datent pas d’hier, mais ils semblent s’être aggravés depuis ces dernières années. Malgré́ de nombreux indicateurs inquiétants, il importe toutefois de relativiser les choses : tous les jeunes ne sont pas aux prises avec de graves problèmes de santé mentale. Et nous ne sommes pas non plus collectivement impuissants face à̀ cette situation.  

Ce webinaire de 50 minutes réuni trois panélistes qui, chacun à leur manière, travaillent pour créer des environnements plus favorables à la santé mentale des jeunes.  

Pour en savoir plus sur la santé mentale positive.

Kevin Raphael in your classroom

Want to have our regional spokesperson come inspire and motivate your students right in the classroom?

State your interest on the participation form and suggest a topic you find important. Once we’ve received your request, we’ll get in touch to fine-tune the topic with you and find the perfect time for this unique encounter.

REMARQUE: La participation à une conférence ou un événement vous rend admissible au tirage pour gagner l'un des prix "douceur de vivre". N’oubliez pas de remplir votre formulaire de participation aux JPS ! 


La programmation des JPS 2025 a pu voir le jour grâce à l'implication active du comité de partenaires, qui s'est investi dans les réflexions et les échanges. Un grand merci à eux pour leur précieuse contribution!

Anne-Marie Girard – Conseillère pédagogique en français et anglais, CSSL / Isabelle Dauphinais – Conseillère pédagogique à la réussite, Collège Montmorency /Enza Ciampanelli – Agente petite enfance, TLE Literacy / Josée Lemieux – Agente petite enfance, Forme ta vie / Julienne Djikam – Directrice générale, CRELI / Marie-France Lamarche – Directrice des programmes, Diapason jeunesse / Maryse Lefebvre – CISSS Laval / Mia Emmanuelle Jordan – Bibliothèques de Laval / Ramatoulaye Wagne – Agente de développement, CDI Chomedey / Shaheerah Hoque – Agente de développement, CJE Laval / Sophie Gérard – Agente de développement, CSSL / Thawy Kong – Conseillère en prévention et promotion, CISSS Laval / Tassbih El Alaoui – Enseignante au primaire, CSSL / Audrey Laforge – Coordonnatrice, Maison des enfants / Stéphanie Ouellet – Agente au soutien pédagogique, BC Pirouette / Annie Boyadjian – Collège Montmorency / Émilie Cloutier – Conseillère régionale, Services Québec / Orde Fortier-Bourgoin – Psychoéducatrice, Centre tremplin / Anna Bracaglia – Agente de développement, CDC Pont-Viau / Lilia Idinarene – Agente de développement, CSSL / Geneviève Parent – Conseillère en prévention-promotion, CISSS Laval / France Latrelle – CP Français secondaire, CSSL / Paule Priscille Bissala Demba – Psychoéducatrice, CSSL / Catherine Rioux – Coordonnatrice - activités et programmes, Ville de Laval.

Participer et gagnerBoîte à outilsVisuels édition 2025

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