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Contest - All in GREEN for school perseverance!

*CONTEST* - Everyone in GREEN for school perseverance!

On February 13, 2025, for PersiVERDANT Thursday, highlight the color GREEN to show your commitment to the importance of school perseverance!

TO BE WON: one of the 3 prizes of $500.

When? Thursday, February 13, 2025

Who? For all educational institutions (from primary to post-secondary), community organizations, employment organizations, and educational childcare services.

What? PersiVERDANT Thursday is an opportunity to creatively and funly show your support for school perseverance!


TO BE WON: one of the 3 prizes of $500.

  • $500 awarded to the winning educational institution
  • $500 awarded to the winning community or employment organization
  • $500 awarded to the winning educational childcare service

A golden opportunity to support your educational activities or enrich your libraries with books and educational games!


How to participate?

  1. Dress in green and encourage students, pupils, or young people to do the same, or decorate your classroom or space in green.
  2. Take a photo and share it on Facebook with the hashtag #perséVERT2025 and tag @R3USSIR, or send us your photo by email at

The grand winner will be chosen randomly from the published photos!


What do you need?

  • Green clothing and accessories (socks, sweaters, ties, scarves, hats, glasses, etc.)
  • Green decoration accessories (posters, garlands, balloons, flags, etc.)

No green accessories on hand?

Download our green photobooth accessories or create your own with your young people!


Download the contest sheet!

Download the sheet with all the contest details and invite your network to participate in large numbers in this great green wave to show support for students and pupils!


Contest sheet - educational institutions

Contest sheet - Community

Contest sheet - Childcare